Directed and Filmed by Garett & Josey Ellingham
Garett and Josey Ellingham live North of the Pemberton Valley in Birken, British Columbia with their daughter Lizzy and hilarious dog, Hendrix. They left the city in search of more connection to nature and living amongst the great outdoors. Foraging for food is as easy as stepping outside their home and they were thrilled to discover over 40 edible plants on their property the first Spring since the moved to the area. They encourage their daughter to acknowledge and respect mother nature and the food she can provide to us when we know what we are looking for. Lizzy is avid forager herself “It’s like playing hide and seek with mushrooms”. Working on the project “Wild Harvest” was a natural fit and we thoroughly enjoyed getting to know some of the province’s top experts in their field and learning so much more about living off the wild foods of British Columbia
Jeremy Budd – West Coast Wild Foods
West Coast Wild Foods is a partnership formed between Austin Glenn and Jeremy Budd over their love of the outdoors and wild foods. The company is the result of a lifetime spent in the mountains and forests of the Pacific Northwest exploring and learning about the wonderful wild mushrooms and other wild foods that our beautiful landscape has to offer. From our roots as wild mushroom harvesters, beginning as teenagers, to our foundation in the wild mushroom industry working in the field as buying agents, we have grown into the premier wild mushroom company in North America.
Link to West Coast Wild Foods Website West Coast Wild Foods – Local and Fresh Premium Wild Food (wcwf.com)

Linda Gabris – Author and Hunter/Gatherer
Linda Gabris loves spending time outdoors fishing, hunting and foraging for edible wild foods. She has instructed creative writing workshops, as well as courses on foraging for edible wild plants and prospecting for placer gold. Her number one passion is cooking fish and game and she has hosted numerous cooking courses with a focus on healthy eating, food preparation and international cuisine.
Link to article for BCO Mag- Linda Gabris, Author at BC Outdoors Magazine
Holly Bikadi, Lil’wat Plant Knowledge Holder
Holly Bikadi has been harvesting food and medicine plants since she was a child living in the Lil’wat Nation, BC. She learned these skills and many other traditional ways from her mother. She has passed these onto people who want to learn.
Well-versed in the picking, preparation and preservation of these vital plants, Holly makes a variety of syrups, salves and botanical extractions. Additionally, she prepares roots and bark used to weave both ceremonial and household goods and makes regalia.
Holly lives in Lil’wat (Mount Currie) with her husband, Edwin Bikadi, and their daughters. Edwin and Holly are both committed to reviving and living in N’takmen, the St’atl’imx word means “Our Way”. For Holly, this means living a simple and sustainable life, much like her Ancestors did before colonization.
Link to Holly’s book – Book- The Ntakmen Calendar – Shop Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre (slcc.ca)

Bill Jones – Foraging Chef
Bill Jones is a chef and author based on Deerholme Farm in the Cowichan Valley. He is a French-trained chef, author of 12 cookbooks, winner of 4 world cookbook awards and busy food consultant and community builder. Bill and wife Lynn, garden year round on the property which they style as an edible landscape. He is an acknowledged local expert on wild foods and foraging with a passion for wild mushrooms and a keen respect of local first nations ethnobotany and culture. Bill’s latest book is the Deerholme Vegetable Cookbook following up the successful Deerholme Foraging Book and the Deerholme Mushroom Book
Links to Bill’s books
Paul Kroeger
Paul Kroeger has studied mushrooms for over thirty-five years and is a founding member of Vancouver Mycological Society in British Columbia. He has been involved in many projects and studies about diverse aspects of mushrooms, gaining knowledge about fungal ecology, biochemistry of toxic, hallucinogenic, medicinal and edible mushrooms. Years of experience have created unique insights and understanding of fungal life-ways and interactions in temperate ecosystems.
Kroeger is past President (many times) of the Vancouver Mycological Society. In 2012 he co-authored a book on the mushrooms of Haida Gwaii, previously called Queen Charlotte Islands, based on a five-year study. He is considered an entertaining and informative skilled speaker, who presents illustrated talks on subjects such as general mycology, fungal biology, poisonous mushrooms, magic mushrooms, biology and mycology of hotsprings and most recently ‘The Outer Spores: Mushrooms of Haida Gwaii’.
He is currently working on projects at the University of British Columbia researching the biochemistry of medicinal mushrooms.
The Outer Spores- Mushrooms Of Haida Gwaii – Haida Gwaii Museum Gift Shop